Construction Begins for the Final Phase of Rosemon...
On September 8, Béatrice Picard, a living legend in the province of Quebec show business, took advantage of her presence at Sain...
Read moreOn September 8, Béatrice Picard, a living legend in the province of Quebec show business, took advantage of her presence at Saint-Jérôme’s Salon des aînés to visit the Station 7 rental condo project.
During this unofficial visit, residents had the pleasure of chatting with this smiling, bright-eyed celebrity, while enjoying a little drink. Ms. Picard generously provided two biographies which served as a prize in a draw among the participants.
This highly memorable visit was made possible thanks to the launch of the fifth edition of the Salon des aînés which was held in Quartier 50+, a building across the street from the Station 7 project. In fact, Station 7 is a proud sponsor of this event since a few years now.
Station 7’s rental condos feature many common areas and activities that will be of interest to the Quartier 50+ clients. Whether you wish to stay in shape in a fully equipped gym, have a drink with friends in the magnificent lounge or relax on the terrace, Station 7’s common areas are without a doubt the ideal setting where life is good.
The project’s phase 3 is currently under construction. Its first tenants should be moving in by fall. Once completed, Station 7 will represent Saint-Jérôme’s largest rental condo project, featuring five phases for a total of almost 400 units.
À propos de Cogir Immobilier
About Cogir Real Estate
Incorporated in 1995, Cogir Real Estate employs close to 6,200 people who are passionate about real estate. With our constant desire to give purpose to real estate, we strive to maintain a human focus, to create and to excel in our quest to design living environments that are pleasant, functional and a reflection of their occupants. Our team manages over 280 properties throughout Canada and the United States. We oversee 5 million square feet of commercial property and 34,800 housing units, including more than 75 privately owned seniors’ residences. The Cogir Foundation supports projects and causes involving four major domains, namely youth, seniors, cultural diversity and the environment.
On September 8, Béatrice Picard, a living legend in the province of Quebec show business, took advantage of her presence at Sain...
Read moreOn September 8, Béatrice Picard, a living legend in the province of Quebec show business, took advantage of her presence at Sain...
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