Cogir’s First Infrastructure & Residential Project in Partnership with the City of Varennes!

14 July 2021

Cogir’s First Infrastructure & Residential Project in Partnership with the City of Varennes!

June 29 of this year marked the launch of the Cogir team’s very first infrastructure project. Cogir was selected by the municipality of Varennes to work with the professionals of GMAD and ENGLOBE on its future Centre multifonctionnel (multipurpose centre) to be located in the heart of this pretty, family-friendly South Shore suburb.

This is a first for Cogir Real Estate. The company will once again expand its expertise with this new project.

Located on the site of the former arena, the project will include a multipurpose centre, an entertainment plaza and two residential buildings. The city of Varennes has grown significantly over the last 20 years. This one-time little town on Montreal’s South Shore, then mostly known for its factories, has transformed itself into a destination of choice for families of Montreal’s metropolitan area looking for a peaceful environment in which to raise their children.

This population growth has compelled the city to reconsider its facilities which are now somewhat obsolete. Cogir’s expertise combined with that of its partners and professionals, captivated city authorities from the outset. The centre will feature many conveniences, including a gymnasium suitable for team sports, a hall for events with a 250-person capacity, rooms designed to accommodate the various recreational activities provided by the city, a dance hall, and much more!

When the project opens in the spring and summer of 2022, Cogir and Centre de Gestion Intégrée (integrated management centre), also known as CGI, will together oversee the management of the Centre Multifonctionnel.

The two rental housing buildings, each featuring 16 units, will be constructed on the same lot and will be located at the centre of an inclusive landscaped environment. The housing buildings will feature affordable one and two-bedroom apartments for young families seeking functional accommodations close to all services.

This project has been made possible thanks to the fantastic teamwork of Cogir and its partners.

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